Prime Payday Loans

When financial emergencies arise, turn to a loan agency that goes above and beyond, every time. Stop by today to consult with our experienced finance team or apply online to get started. Don’t let your financial situation linger. Prime Payday Loans is here for you, when you need it the most.

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No hidden fees for short term loans, cash advances and payday loans.

No Hidden Fees

All of the fees are fully disclosed during the loan process and before any agreement is made. Absolutely no hidden fees.

Fast approval times for short term loans, cash advances and payday loans.

Fast Approval

We offer same day loan approvals. Once you submit your application, your approved funds will be ready in no time at all.

We use SSL technology to protect and secure your personal information and data.

Secure Application

We use SSL technology to protect and secure your personal information and data.

Payday loan services at Prime Payday Loans.

Payday Loan Service

A Payday Loan is a good option when you need cash before your next paycheck. Our process is quick and simple.

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Cash Advance Service

Cash Advance is convenient, fast and most of the time can cost less than late fees accrued on bills that become overdue.

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Cash advance services at Prime Payday Loans.
Prime Payday Loans offers check cashing services at all of our store front loan agency locations.

Check Cashing Service

Check cashing doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult. With Prime Payday Loans, we can cash a wide range of checks for you securely and quickly.

Get Started Online Today

Click the button below to get started today online. You can also visit one of our locations in your local area.

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